We try and answer all the questions you might have about Peach Go
- Can I download files individually?
- Does Peach Go replace Peach Connect, Cape, Advalidation or any other product from Peach?
- How long can the message I send along with my files be?
- How will I know that my files have been received?
- What future features are coming to Peach Go?
- Can I set a password for transfers?
- Do I need to sign up?
- Do we look at your files?
- Do you scan for viruses or other malware?
- When the link to the files has expired do the files get removed too?
- Can I create an account in Peach Go?
- Why am I not getting any emails from Peach Go?
- Why can’t I see my previous sends through Peach Go?
- Why can’t I view files that have been sent to me?
- Why didn’t the recipient receive the download email?